On different approaches to syntactic analysis into bi-lexical dependencies: An empirical comparison of direct, PCFG-based, and HPSG-based parsers


  • Angelina Ivanova University of Oslo
  • Stephan Oepen University of Oslo Potsdam University
  • Rebecca Dridan University of Oslo
  • Dan Flickinger Stanford University
  • Lilja Øvrelid University of Oslo
  • Emanuele Lapponi University of Oslo


Syntactic Dependency Parsing, Domain Variation


We compare three different approaches to parsing into syntactic, bi- lexical dependencies for English: a ‘direct’ data-driven dependency parser, a statistical phrase structure parser, and a hybrid, ‘deep’ grammar-driven parser. The analyses from the latter two are post- converted to bi-lexical dependencies. Through this ‘reduction’ of all three approaches to syntactic dependency parsers, we determine empirically what performance can be obtained for a common set of de- pendency types for English, across a broad variety of domains. In doing so, we observe what trade-offs apply along three dimensions, accuracy, efficiency, and resilience to domain variation. Our results suggest that the hand-built grammar in one of our parsers helps in both accuracy and cross-domain parsing performance, but these accuracy gains do not necessarily translate to improvements in the downstream task of negation resolution.



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How to Cite

Ivanova, A., Oepen, S., Dridan, R., Flickinger, D., Øvrelid, L., & Lapponi, E. (2016). On different approaches to syntactic analysis into bi-lexical dependencies: An empirical comparison of direct, PCFG-based, and HPSG-based parsers. Journal of Language Modelling, 4(1), 113–144. https://doi.org/10.15398/jlm.v4i1.101