On German verb sense disambiguation: A three-part approach based on linking a sense inventory (GermaNet) to a corpus through annotation (TGVCorp) and using the corpus to train a VSD classifier (TTvSense)



verb sense disambiguation (VSD), word sense disambiguation (WSD)


We develop a three-part approach to Verb Sense Disambiguation (VSD) in German. After considering a set of lexical resources and corpora, we arrive at a statistically motivated selection of a subset of verbs and their senses from GermaNet. This sub-inventory is then used to disambiguate the occurrences of the corresponding verbs in a corpus resulting from the union of TüBa-D/Z, Salsa, and E-VALBU. The corpus annotated in this way is called TGVCorp. It is used in the third part of the paper for training a classifier for VSD and for its comparative evaluation with a state-of-the-art approach in this research area, namely EWISER. Our simple classifier outperforms the transformer-based approach on the same data in both accuracy and speed in German but not in English and we discuss possible reasons.

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How to Cite

Mattern, D., Hemati, W., Lücking, A., & Mehler, A. (2024). On German verb sense disambiguation: A three-part approach based on linking a sense inventory (GermaNet) to a corpus through annotation (TGVCorp) and using the corpus to train a VSD classifier (TTvSense). Journal of Language Modelling, 12(1), 155–212. Retrieved from https://jlm.ipipan.waw.pl/index.php/JLM/article/view/356


