Control, inner topicalisation, and focus fronting in Mandarin Chinese: modelling in parallel constraint-based grammatical architecture


  • Chit-Fung Lam University of Manchester


control, complementation, inner topicalisation, focus fronting, long-distance dependency, restructuring, Chinese, Lexical-Functional Grammar, acceptability- judgment experiments, grammar engineering


This paper proposes a formal analysis of two displacement phenomena in Mandarin Chinese, namely inner topicalisation and focus fronting, capturing their correlational relationships with control and complementation. It examines a range of relevant data, including corpus examples, to derive empirical generalisations. Acceptability-judgment tasks, followed by mixed-effects statistical models, were conducted to provide additional evidence. This paper presents a constraint-based lexicalist proposal that is couched in the framework of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG). The lexicon plays an important role in regulating the behaviour of complementation verbs as they participate in the displacement phenomena. Unlike previous analyses that cast inner topicalisation and focus fronting as restructuring phenomena, this lexicalist proposal does not rely on hypothesised clause-size differences. It captures the empirical properties more accurately and accounts for a wider range of empirical patterns. Adopting the formally explicit framework of LFG, this proposal uses constraints that have mathematical precision. The constraints are computationally implemented using the grammar engineering tool Xerox Linguistic Environment, safeguarding their precision.


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How to Cite

Lam, C.-F. (2024). Control, inner topicalisation, and focus fronting in Mandarin Chinese: modelling in parallel constraint-based grammatical architecture. Journal of Language Modelling, 12(1), 69–153.


